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Lisa Shea
BellaOnline's Computer / Console Game Editor


Chapter 2: Nashkel

Nashkel is the northern border of the Amnish region. You meet Bardalow, a guard, who talks of Commander Brage who has gone insane. Go past the inn and stock up at the store, learning that the store owner wants white wolf pelts. Now return to the Nashkel Inn, where Neira will try to kill you. She's pretty good, so be wary when taking her on. When you've disposed of her, move on to the store.

The storekeeper wants white pelts. He pays 500g per pelt!! You'll find white wolves all around this lower region, so be sure to collect the pelts when you kill the wolves. They'll just be laying on the ground, like treasure. Stock up, and go south to the cemetery.

You'll meet Berrun Ghastkill here, who both pairs of companions with you wanted to meet. He wants you to help with the problems at the mines. Agree to help. Go a bit south, and you'll meet Oublek, who organizes the bounties in this area. Admit to the truth here, and you'll gain +1 reputation (and annoy the heck out of your evil companions!). His two current quests are to 1) capture Brage, and 2) get the emeralds that Prism, an artist, stole.

Just a bit further south is one of my favorite characters, Minsc with his killer hamster, Boo. He wants to rescue Dynaheir, a sorceress friend of his. Drop the two evil guys at this point. You've taken them where they wanted to go, and, unlike if you drop them up to this point, they'll now refuse to rejoin you. Which is a good thing :) Take on Minsc, who may be a bit strange but is a great fighter.

The Belching Dragon to one side has Volo, the famed storyteller. You can chat with him when you want. Head west over the bridge. Strangely, Edwin is there, wanting you to kill the evil witch Dynaheir. Why doesn't Minsc speak up when he hears this? In any case, refuse, and continue over. Head west to the 3-rock area.

The 3-rock area is very quiet - just head southwest with no encounters. On the master map you're crossing the river area. You now go to the 2-pine-and-rock map, which is just north of the Gnoll stronghold.

The key feature of the 2-pine-and-rock map is the bear by the bridge. When you head south, you'll meet Jared, who is terrified of this bear. As well he should be - it's very nasty. Save, and then cross and slay it. Now head south to Gnoll-land.

Notes on this general region - Drienne, under the falls, has lost her cat Pixie. You find the dead cat, but she's happy - her dad will simply resurrect it again. Poor cat! You get 200 xp and +1 rep for this deed, and a scroll of protection. Ludrig wants to fight mano a mano - you get 500 xp for that. A Dryad at Cloudpeaks wants to protect her ancient oak from Clado and Krumm, the tree-choppers. You get 500 xp, +1 rep and a potion for hlelping her out. Finally, a wolf den holds a +1 halberd and some cash!

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