<%@ Language=VBScript %> Beyond Good and Evil Walkthrough - Tips and Techniques for Beyond Good and Evil by Lisa
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Lisa Shea
BellaOnline's Computer / Console Game Editor


Beyond Good and Evil Walkthrough

For the first part of the battle, just kill the DomZ Sarcophagi that attack you. Then, as the boss moves away from the statue, back up and use a couple super-attacks to hit him with the purple orbs. He should retreat back to the statue. Now he'll guard himself with huge materia spikes, and attack with clones of Pey'J! That bastard! Double-H's super attack can pop the pey'j clones into the air, so you can knock them into the materia spikes. Get rid of the spikes in the middle, then send a pey'j clone flying into his body to hurt him. Beware, every time you kill a pey'j clone, a Sarcophagi attacks... Once you hit the body with a Pey'j clone, and kill all the sarcophagi, Double-H is taken...

This part is tough, but the boss ALWAYS attacks in a set pattern. Each time you miss or mess up the pattern, he'll hit you and take off 2 whole hearts, which is why I said to stock up on the K-Bups! If you know the pattern, you'll know where he appears. The pattern (Relative to your position) is :

Left, up, right, left, up, right, above, down, right, up

(Above means you have to charge your Dai-Jo staff to hit him)

So, if I say left, he'll appear to your left, and you have to hit him there. Once he's been hit several times, he'll send in a bunch of clones of Double-H to attack... PLUS he shoots green lasers at you, and killing a clone releases a sarcophagi! Kill all the clones (Super attacks work best), then kill the sarcophagi. Ignore the lasers, as best you can.

Now, it gets trickier.... he reverses your controls! Right is left, up is down... but he's almost gone, and things slow down, giving you more reaction time. He'll send in a few Sarcophagi, get used to the controls... now he'll attack again, appearing in a different pattern this time. The pattern which he appears in, is...

Left, right, left, Right, above you, right, up, above you, DOWN.

Remember, you controls are reversed, so if he appears to the left, you have to press RIGHT to hit him. Once you lay the final blow on him, you win the game! Congratulations!

Written by Khyron

Beyond Good and Evil Walkthrough

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