<%@ Language=VBScript %> Ratchet and Clank Walkthrough - Tips, Hints and Help for Ratchet and Clank by Lisa
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Lisa Shea
BellaOnline's Computer / Console Game Editor


Ratchet and Clank Walkthrough
Kogor Refinery - Planet Orxon

OK, your mission is to search the laboratories. It warns that you need an 02 mask for organic life forms, so for now only Clank goes out. Lovely green air! Go in the room - you get your cute little robots. Get all 3 to attack the enemy and then go in the door. You find a new area with a 6 door. Gather them and have them attack the big enemy. If you blow them up they regenerate at their home base. Send all into the door to open it.

Now you're in a new area. Jump over ledge and stand on the white spot so robots can come in with you. There's another door like that - stand on the white spot so they follow you. Go up teleporter and get another - now you have 5. Go up elevator and blow up red boxes before calling the guys in. The 6th robot is in there. Use the teleporter up and send them in.

Woo hoo - you find magnetron boots!

Now head down into the grass area. Avoid the falling exploding things, and avoid the red boxes while gathering them up. Take them through the maze and over the yellow to the end. Go to far right, up level, along to left, up, forward and up to right, up, around to right, up, left.

OK more gathering - now you have 10 of them! Very cute. Be careful around red boxes. Finally, have them all enter. You see a turret blowing things up. There's an infobot over on right - "Better not let Ratchet see this one"

It's for the Jowai Resort, Pokitaru planet. They offer a free 02 mask for waters and complimentary flippers for speed swimming

When you get the O2 mask, return to Orxon. Now you both can go out. You can't go into the Clank area now. Fly to circle and then down to ground. Go through gate, over 2 circle platforms, down to next gate. A vendor is down here. Head to the right - an infobot is down there. Get near him - he flies up to level higher on right. Use your magnetic boots along path right there, avoiding the fire.

Go down to gate and up take the swing over the top. go around to the stairs on the left and go up. Go around in the building and up the metal walls. You find him up top.

It's a friendly message from Dreg. "Hello again everyone." He has found the perfect orbit for his planet. They have a planet buster to destroy the planet currently there. Time to move on to Planet Hoven!!

Ratchet and Clank Walkthrough

Ratchet and Clank on PS2 Review

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