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Lisa Shea
BellaOnline's Computer / Console Game Editor


Fable Walkthrough
Childhood : Quests Around Town

This is a training session to help you learn how to talk, fight, and so on. Your main goal is to learn how to navigate the map, and to talk to people marked on the map with a green dot. As you approach each person, they will glow with a green aura. You talk to them with the A button.

Note this is NOT a Zelda-like game where you can just break into peoples' houses and steal their stuff, breaking their vases. You have to act as if this was a real town with real people, and you respect their property :) Well, if you want to be "good" anyway. For example, if a door won't open, it's because the owner locked it. A good person respects that. A bad person kicks the door in (when they are strong enough to).

The first person you run across in the center of town is a little girl. She's lost her furry bear with a blue patch on its back, Rosie. Rosie's stuffing needs changing. OK, time to find a bear.

If you head across the bridge, you'll meet your sister in a field. She had dreams about this field last night. She's waiting for her present. OK, she'll just stand there until you get back with one :)

Keep on exploring. Behind a house on the far left, a guy and girl are smooching in the back. It turns out the guy is married with kids. Great, a slimeball. He says he'll give you a gold piece for being quiet. This is the good path, so refuse. He asks you not to tell his wife. Fat chance! [Note: if you take the bad path, you can take his gold and then also tell his wife where he is, which you think would be DOUBLY bad but they count it as bad-and-good :)]

If you keep going further up on the far left, your dad is there. He just stands there waiting for you to please the townsfolk. He gets disappointed in you if you do bad things but he'll pay you anyway for the good deeds you have done.

OK, back to the center of town. Go by the lightpost in the lower center. There's a woman with a blue bodice. She wants to know where her husband is. She's grumpy, as he has been a jerk to her for years. You tell her about the cheating, and she goes off to take care of him. Good Deed Done. If you run after her you can see her yelling at him, and the floozy running away.

You find a trader in the lower center of town. You can recognize him by his green aura and long moustaches. He knows about your sister's birthday, and he has sweets for 3gp. Time to find more gold.

To the far left is a bully in a blue hat. He says the kid in front of him was playing with the teddy bear of his sister. The bully wants to take the bear and rip its head off. The little kid wants help. now learn you can only hit characters when they are red. to hit a non-hostile person, use L then X. Do that and hit the bully four times, this is a good deed. You get the bear too.

OK head down to the southesat area. As you approach, a guy runs to you. He has to pee. He asks you to watch the stock. Your job is to stand between two stacks and not move. Don't worry, the game automatically puts you where you should be. Now you hear a small kid talk about there being barrels with stuff in them. He wants you to smash the barrels. "Unless you're just a big blubbing girl" he taunts you (which of course annoys me to NO end - I would like to thrash the kid!!). Be patient, there's a timer on the right. "Wouldn't you prefer to be smashing things ..." When the timer runs out, you have done a good deed.

Note if you DO go smash the barrels, all you find are a bunch of bugs to fight and one gold. Of course the owner isn't very happy with you ...

The girl is in the shed there now - give her the teddy. she's all happy. Your quests are all now complete.

One of your "stats" is chicken kicking, if you enjoy that sort of thing.

Fable Walkthrough

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