<%@ Language=VBScript %> MAFIA Walkthrough - Tips Techniques and FAQs for MAFIA
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Lisa Shea
BellaOnline's Computer / Console Game Editor


MAFIA Walkthrough
The Priest

This is really only the second half of The Whore and even so it is SUPER long. Be prepared. It is VERY worth it to keep replaying the previous mission (the whore) until you end it with lots of health.

OK, on the roofs. Go ahead on the right - it's a thin alley with a fire escape. Climb up and run along, then jump up and go up the stairs. There are cops below you - keep running.

Head out right and around the building. Open the door. There's a health pack ahead and at this point you've avoided the cops behind you without having to shoot them. Go up the stairs. Go up and up again and then jump over to the next lower buildling with barrels. Go around to the right and jump across to next buildling with little bushes.

Now turn left and go down the boxes. Go straight and to the down stairs on the right. From the top of the stairs you see 3 cops come here - shoot them from the corner before you go down the stairs. Kill the sniper on the far wall with the rifle. Note that it's good to shoot them quickly - the ammo you get from them is what they have left. Keep shooting as they come out. Lean over the edge and shoot the guy below you.

Head down the stairs and around the corner. Now go forward. Go up the ramp ahead and up the box to the next buildling. Now go forward and to the left. There's a guy down there. Jump across to the wood platform to get a video. Note when you're picking up ammo that you only pick up what you can carry.

Go up the stairs and up again. On the 2nd level go around the corner into a video. You see him using a ladder to cross the gap. There's a car below, he crosses and the ladder falls.

New title - Escape!

You're on top of church being built. Go down stairs on the right and across the level. There's a full health kit on the wall there. Now head down the stairs quite a bit. You eventually get to a bottom door and get a video. You see a priest.

It turns out it's Billy's funeral, the guy you killed. The church is full of shooters. There's one up on the balcony. Shoot them all from back behind the coffin. When you kill them all, the priest comes out. "Such suffering for nothing" says the priest. You give him cash.

Now you have to return to Salieri's. Go straight out to the car - a Lassiter v16 hearse - and you have a wanted sign. You hear the sirens and the cops are right behind you. You have a powerful car - go up a slope to lose the cars and then find a safe spot to find a new car. Get the 'cop symbol' to fade out then sit and let the wanted bar lower. When it's fully gone, drive back casually to Salieri's.

Now Tommy does some rambling. He felt it was so easy to drink to enjoy things while you were alive. Frank wanted to help. 'gimme a ride home'. 'Don doesn't want drunks'. Tom says maybe Sarah.

You get a new car - bolt model b cabriolet red

MAFIA Walkthrough

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