<%@ Language=VBScript %> Ratchet and Clank 2 Going Commando Walkthrough - Tips and Techniques for Ratchet and Clank 2 Going Commando
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Lisa Shea
BellaOnline's Computer / Console Game Editor


Ratchet and Clank 2 Going Commando Walkthrough
Maktar Resort

Ah, lovely Maktar Resort, home of the gladiator arena. You can get the blitz gun for 15,000. First, go down to the platform and kill the enemies. At the next platform, there are lots of lights. Use the tractor beam to move the cylinder away from the wall. In the next room there's an inspector bot. This is VERY funny - use the tractor beam to move him onto the spot!

OK, the next room. First use the tractor beam to move the bomb into the dogs. The use the tractor beam to move the bomb down to the big wall with the green spot in it. This will blow it up.

Next, go into a circular room and bash the guy there. Tractor the bot to the center of the room. This is like a rubber band slingshot! You have to start it going, back up and release it to fling him. Your aim is to get him exactly in the center. So you aim him at the door up high and go WAY back to stretch the rubber band. Then release him to fling him up there. You have to get him to land RIGHT on the feet or he runs down again. Climb up the ladder and go in.

You're now in a green hall with blue dogs. Kill them and move on. The next room has blue doors. Go left and jump from square to square. This is going to be a race. Get the bomb and push it out back across the platforms to the door to blow it up.

You're now standing above a ladder so climb down it to the blue circle floor.

Use the bomb slingshot to get the floating UFOs on the sides of the door. There are four of them. The giant force field door is now gone. Gather up the bolts here. Go into the taxi and press triangle to sabotage the jamming array.

Maktar Resort - Jamming Array

After you finish the jamming array, there's a new path on other side. Cross and kill dogs on walkway and you're back to where you started.

From the spaceship, go left instead of straight. You'll see a row of jackpot machines. Hit them to make them spin. You can get money, health, ammo, or sometimes they will blow up. If you get 3 bars you get a skill point.

Go up the platform - more enemies on the bridge. Walk NOT jump into the limo-taxi and take a little ride. On other end, jump against the wall to go up to ledge then left and up to ladder. Use distance weapons to clear enemies from here. Note there's a platinum bolt up the building to the left!

Go across to the end and wall jump up using X to get to the top. Press and hold L1 to aim. Throw bombs down from above to clear the room. There are slot machines in here too. Go out the other side to the hallway. Blue dogs are waiting for you. More guys come in - use ranged weapons to get through. There's a vendor in there.

Maktar Resort - Battle Arena

After the arena, use the electrolyzer. It's a puzzle. You have to flip the switches so they are always straight when the blue things are going at them. That makes the bridge appear.

"This would make a nice souvenier" says Ratchet - and then you see ninja has Clank. This is a SUPER funny video :)

Yet another puzzle - have to line them up for another bridge. You're right back at the beginning.

Ratchet and Clank 2 Going Commando Walkthrough

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