<%@ Language=VBScript %> Ratchet and Clank 2 Going Commando Walkthrough - Tips and Techniques for Ratchet and Clank 2 Going Commando
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Lisa Shea
BellaOnline's Computer / Console Game Editor


Ratchet and Clank 2 Going Commando Walkthrough
Planet Notak - Canal City

You start out by seeing the ninja take off. This is a dark modern city. From the beginning, go down the little path to the bridge with the lights, and around the edge for a platinum bolt.

OK, get on the little elevator down to the vendor. Your new weapon is a GREAT one - the synthenoid - 65,000. This creates 4 robot assistants that hover beside you, blasting away!

Head down the street with the dogs, and turn left into a mall area with manequins. There's a big planet sphere in the middle. Take out the police with blue blasters. Then take out the planet's moons and rings, and the planet itself. Skill point - Planet Buster.

Now go right (from the entry) and up the elevator. There are more lizard thugs. There's a ship with flames far ahead. Visibomb it a few times, then jump across straight to other the goons. Just past the goons on the left, hit the metal sign / wall to get a platinum bolt.

Go back over to 1010-1101 and take the elevator up to the next area. There are more goons. There's a ship to the left to visibomb from the elevator. Don't forget the doggy in the window! :)

There's another elevator over here, go up. It's a continue point. There's a nanotech boost here which instantly increases your health capacity. There's also a spot to return to your ship.

Now go across the bridge. Dogs are there, then goons. Go in the big circle door. You get into a room with pumps and water. Freeze the water, go across and jump up. Head down the tunnel. Use a turret in the next room to take care of the enemies. Head out the door for more goons. Now you're in a dock area by water.

Go down onto the dock. There are dogs and a ship to visibomb. Head up the ramp to the next level. Dynamo the green thing on the right, run up the ramp and clear out area, getting into the door. If you didn't make it in time re-dynamo and run for the door up there and get the platinum bolt.

There's a dynamo in here to get out again. When you're standing with your back to the door, look on the right for an elevator. You get a continue point. Visibomb the ship up there and then jump across to the next platform. You get a view screen - you learn about Slim Cognito's ship upgrade. Now you get coordinates for Cognito's shack. Jump down, kill all and cross the bridge.

Turn the nut to open the door. Head down the stairs and wall jump up. Freeze the water and go over to the right. Turn the nut to make a bridge. Cross it. Now defrost on the other side and swim into the tunnel. Jump down on the left and do the nut. This makes a bridge across the top. Go through the tunnel. Freeze the water and wall jump up. Cross the bridge.

And we sing ...

"Freezinating the countryside ...
Freezinating the peasants ...
Freezinating all the peoples ...

You hit a continue point. The water sinks down and goes up here. You have to mostly freeze it and then do the last bit at the top of its cycle.

In the next area, the water is sinking up and down. You have to freeze low so you can get through tunnel. Try to hit it halfway up the tunnel so you can jump up on other side. Now thaw the water and refreeze when it's highest. Go across to the other side. Go up to the top area. Freeze it so you have just enough room to get through the tunnel. Go up the other side.

Finally!! You get a video. "perhaps these robots can assist us". You have to pay 6,000 bolts for a transmission from the ninja.

Note - there's a platinum bolt up by the hanging hook of crane, in the place with the overhead spaceship.

Ratchet and Clank 2 Going Commando Walkthrough

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