<%@ Language=VBScript %> Sphinx Cursed Mummy Walkthrough - Tips Techniques and FAQs for Sphinx Cursed Mummy
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Lisa Shea
BellaOnline's Computer / Console Game Editor


Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy Walkthrough
Chasing Down Horus

You don't get much of a plot to start with. You (Sphinx) and Horus are two apprentices to a Monkey-guy. Horus is a bird-faced dude, while you have a lion-like tail. The two of you have to find the Blade of Osiris, says Monkey-head. It's in Uruk, a far off place sounding suspiciously like one of the Myst lands.

Off you go, landing in Uruk. You're told that the ray you see is dangerous. Run down the step area, then go left up the steps to the plant area. Be careful - the red plants explode when you get near them. Throw rocks at them to destroy them. You find that the geyser says it needs more lava flow to work.

Go toward the lava - you now see Horus up there. He wants to show you something. Use A to jump across the lava flow. He harasses you for not being good enough. Nice guy!

Now a creature pops up in the lava. Go back down to the lava-dude. He eats you and then says he wants coconuts instead. Throw rocks at the trees to get a coconut. Give one to the lava guy and he wants more. Go back to the trees. Avoid any snakes that fall and bring more coconuts to lava guy. At 2 - he wants more. Note the tree up the stairs by the lava flow drops health for you. 3rd coconut is just across lava flow.

After 3 coconuts he says he'll spit you out anywhere. Point him at the hole in the wall over the lava where you saw Horus. He says the Blood of Ra lets you walk on the lava. Note that there are flowers guarding it. Throw the rocks at the plants to destroy them. The rocks regenerate for you. Do all the little ones first. Once all are dead, Horus walks in and grabs the shield and leaves.

Do the same and follow him out. Go to the lava path and go upstream. Grab the statue and drag it back towards you - the lava flows through the hole. Now the geysers are working. Ride the rock out of the stream again and go back and get more of a shield using your lava-dude-ride.

With the shield run across to the geyser. Fly it up to level 2. Ride the 2nd geyser to level 3 and the 3rd up to the eyeball and his fence. Jump down the right side to the platform and then sneak behind him once he looks away - the fence will be down.

Grab a rock and throw it at the next eye. Go through the fence. Use the rocks on the 2 plants in the next area. You've reached Horus again.

Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy Walkthrough

Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy Review

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