<%@ Language=VBScript %> Assassins Creed Walkthrough - Tips and Techniques for Assassins Creed by Lisa
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Lisa Shea
BellaOnline's Computer / Console Game Editor


Assassins Creed Walkthrough
Acre Flags - Templar Flags

There are 34 of these flags, found in the Rich District.

1. There’s a pillar north of Templar #1 in the courtyard. From the pillar, look SE up to a low spot between two rooftops. Climb the wall to find a flag on this lower roof.

2. Climb the ladder SW of Templar #1 and jump across to a brown roof garden to the SW. Walk a few paces NW from the roof garden to a flag on the SW side of a roof dome.

3. Look SW from #2 to see a flag on the point of a roof across a couple gaps.

4. Follow the roofline west and then NW from #3 until you drop down a level. Look west from where you drop down to see the flag on an awning below the NW corner of this roof segment.

5. Use the beam NW of flag #4 to cross the road to the SW and then go up a level to a green roof garden. Turn SE on the SW side of the roof garden and climb a level to a flag on the SW side of a small tower dome.

6. Drop down from the SW side of the roof to the street and walk NW to a set of vigilantes. There’s a flag against the wall NE of the vigilantes under a wall spigot.

7. Climb straight up the NW wall at flag #6 and look down to ground level to the NW of you. There’s an octagonal fountain with a flag on the center pillar in a courtyard

8. Walk west from the fountain along the road to a pack of vigilantes. The flag is a few paces north of them in a corner against the wall.

9. Take a few steps west from the vigilantes and go up a set of stairs to the SW. Ahead of you will be a wide staircase gong down to the SE. Drop down off the wall on the SW side of the staircase to a flag in the corner.

10. Go back to the top of those stairs and walk west past a merchant stall to a ladder leading up to the south. There’s a flag a few paces south of the top of the ladder.

11. Go SW to the edge of the roof from #10 and climb up a level to the SE. Look down on the SW side of the building to see a flag on a wooden awning below you.

12. Drop to the ground and go west to a double wide set of stairs leading down to the city wall. Climb the building on the NW side of the stairs to a roof garden. Look north from the west side of the roof garden to see a flag at your level on a small fenced porch.

13. Drop down to the west and follow the sea wall SE until it starts to turn east. From this corner, you can see flag #13 and #17. Flag #13 is on a wood platform hanging over the water just south of due east from you and across the water. You can see the sparkle of #17 in a corner SE/S of you next to a couple merchant stalls. For #13, go up the stairs NE from you and turn SE down the road. You’ll go down one set of stairs, but when you come to a second, turn and climb the building on the SW side of the street instead. Cross the building to look down into the water and you’ll see how to get to the flag platform.

14. Come back up to the roof from #13 and walk NE to the edge of the roof. Look down to the NE beyond a hay cart to see this flag at ground level. You’ll be just to the NW of a set of scholars.

15. Climb the building NE of you and walk the roof to the NW, going up another level. At this point, you should see a flag ahead of you on the NE side of a small roof dome.

16. Go SW from #15 to a roof garden then look down on the SW side of the roof garden into an alley. The flag will be on an awning well below you.

17. Go back to the scholars near where you found flag #14. Walk generally SW to find an orator near the water. Go to the orator and turn north to find the flag you could see from across the water.

18. Go to a set of scholars in the SW corner of the map. Climb up the ladder SW of them and work your way all the way to the top of the wall. The flag is in the square tower in the absolute southern corner at the highest level.

19. Follow the wall to the western corner and drop down inside to the wooden roof that makes an L shape here. Follow the roof NE from the corner until it ends then drop down onto a flag on a wooden platform.

20. Get back up to the top level of the wall and follow it NE to the corner. From the top of the north corner, look SE to see a flag on an awning.

21. From #20, look SE across a few awnings to see another flag. The inside route seems safer than jumping the awnings.

22. Make your way down to the ground and walk SE to the sea wall. Walk NE along the wall to see a flag on the NW side of the path.

23. At the NE end of the sea wall, turn west and climb a nearby ladder to the north. There should be a set of vigilantes on the next row north of you. Climb higher as you follow the roof tops east to a roof garden. Look north across the road from the roof garden to see the flag.

24. From #23, climb to the taller roof west of you and look NW to see a flag on a roof peak near a greenish roof garden.

25. Go NE up to the roof garden from #24 and cross NE to the same level of the cathedral. Look east along the steeply slanted roof to see the flag in a corner.

26. Climb to the peak of the cathedral roof and follow it to the east. At the eastern end, climb the ruined tower on the north side for a flag at the top. (watch out for the Templar).

27. Drop back to the cathedral roof and go to the southern tower. Climb it all the way to the top of the cross for a flag. Looking down, you can just see the hay cart on the south side for your death dive…errr…Leap of Faith.

28. Climb to the roof of the building due south of the hay cart for a flag.

29. Drop down and follow the road east to a set of vigilantes. Climb the building south of them and follow the roof line back to the SW. The flag should be visible on a roof above you as the road turns from SW to west.

30. Return to the vigilantes and climb to the roof of the building NE of them. From the SE corner of the building, look down to the east to see the flag on an awning below you.

31. Drop down and enter the guarded courtyard to your north. Once inside, go to the NW wall under the roof and turn SW to see the flag.

32. Go west from the entrance to the guarded courtyard to a ladder that leads up to the SW. Cross the roof to the SW past a roof garden and drop down. The flag should be a few paces west of you.

33. From #32, climb the wall to your west to the highest level and a roof garden. From the roof garden, go SW diagonally over a peaked roof to see the flag on an awning at near rooftop level.

34. Return a few paces north to the roof garden and then drop down to the west. Follow the road west to a set of vigilantes. The flag is on the roof SE of the vigilantes at the west end of a row.

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