<%@ Language=VBScript %> Jet Force Gemini Walkthrough - Tips Techniques
g Computer / Console Gaming Site
Lisa Shea
BellaOnline's Computer / Console Game Editor


Jet Force Gemini

Ah, new terrain. This one looks suspicously spaceship like. You begin with a room that has Gemini Capacity increase (to 9), pistol cap increase, and machine gun cap increase. "Yoda" shows you how your poor sister Vela and Cinder-Teddy-Bear were captured. You get some grenades and two teddy bears. Take a hard right in here, and go up the blocks for the plasma shotgun. Up higher is plasma shotgun ammo, a fule pad, and a yellow key door that you can't enter yet.

You enter a crate room with barrels. Be careful shooting - there are bears in with the drones! There is a plasma shotgun cap increase, full pistol on a box, a shotgun increase. There are two bears in a floor depression by a barrel. There is a Cell Door Trigger on the second level by a yellow key door - shoot it from here.

The next room has big cylinders that have gems above them, and flying guys to kill. Pretty easy. There's full machine gun and pistol ammo by the door, and pistol capacity increase by the exit. There is a Cell Door Trigger on the left.

Next you get crates and a grid ceiling, with a floating platform. There is a teddy bear on a crate, and behind it on the wall is a Cell Door Trigger . Next, look down in the pit area under the floating platforms. There is a Cell Door Trigger on the side of the pit. There's a white bug behind one crate - if you kill him you get full health Gemini, but he's trying to give up. I save him. Ignore the life force door in here for now - it leads to the cell block and out.

Next is a sloped crate room, with a sliding middle floor. There are beeping mines in here - watch out - and the Cell Door Trigger on the left to open your sister's room. There is a cluster bomb capacity upgrade, and a Gemini Capacity Increase (to 10) at the top. There is full pistol, full plasma shotgun, full machine gun ammo. The door up here, behind the glass which you shatter, leads into a pretty glass tunnel.

The tunnel comes out above the grid room from two scenes ago :) There's a special feature totem up here, and an entrance to yet other tunnel. High above the totem is a Cell Door Trigger to shoot.

This tunnel is very colorful, with tiny bugs on the floor. There are coins in the center room, and cluster bombs for you to use. There's a crawl-in tunnel to a room with more coins, but you can't use the Floyd pad there yet.

When you come back with Floyd:
This is a race level, where you have to get all the boards and kill 3 switches. You also shoot the top off the reactor. When you get into the room with the 2 switches in here, go down and right - there's a secret passageway with the final boards and a shortcut to the ending room.

Back down off of the grid room, there is the cell room. You rescue your sister - why is she just sitting there waiting for you? Shouldn't she have escaped when the door opens? In any case, you see another video, and she takes off. So much for sisterly love! You can shoot the Cell Door Trigger for a door from here, but the rest had to be triggered remotely. The rest of the teddy bears are here.

The other door from the cell room leads to your ship, but don't leave until you let all the teddy bears go free!!

10/10 bears in around 30:00.

Jet Force Gemini Walkthrough

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