What Women Want
Eve Hall
The majority of women want and need the same things as men.
We want: A happy marriage, loving family members, respect, peace in the world, etc. We are not hard to please.
We want love, unconditionally. We don´t want to play games.
We want men to step to the plate and take care of their responsibilities.
We don´t ask for much, just what is due us.
Some of us want courage. We are in abusive relationships and we need the courage to get out of them. We are scared to experience doing things on our on, but we don´t realize we are our alone anyway, carrying the load all by ourselves.
We want a shoulder to cry on, someone we can snuggle up to at night without being obligated to do anything else. Women want a gentleman and a bad boy, all in one. Some of us still like the doors being opened for us.
We like the man to take the lead in family matters, but always asking us our input on all the decision-making. We want to see our men cry, there is no shame in that. We want men to stop trying to find a wife like their mom. Stay with your momma if it is all that! We want to be treated like the queens that we are. We are not perfect and we don´t pretend to be. We want to be heard, we want a listening ear. You don´t have to agree with what we say.
We want a man that wants to work and a man who doesn’t mind if we want to work. A man who enjoys spending time with his family.
We want a man who doesn´t mind sharing the household duties.
We want men to change their babies diapers also.
We want positive people around us. Ones, who will build us up, not tear us down. We want loyal men and pets. If we make mistakes, we want to be forgiven just like we would be willing to forgive. We want our meals served in bed sometimes, too. We want candlelit dinners, surprises and gifts.
We want to hear those "three little words," but more importantly, we would rather you show us how much you love us.
That´s worth much more than you telling us. Those three little words have been used and abused so much. They have produced unwanted pregnancies, domestic abuse and the list goes on and on. We, Sistahs need to realize we don´t need men, MEN need US! Once we realize this, we will not want much.